Lianjiang Herbalist 

连江植物图鉴 2023

面对机械化的城市更新与千篇一律的街道,如何展现连江独特的地方性和叙述呢?在“连江街道更新计划”项目中,由负责改造的源计划建筑师事务所牵头,我们与社工团队一起进行了为期一年的街市文化探索。游历在升平街与方正三街的凉茶与咖啡店中,我们发现了这百余种社区植物。《连江植物图鉴》便是收录了更新改造过程中发现的107种当地植物,它们中有些随着风、河流或是鸟儿的迁徙而来,而另一些则由居民种植。 图鉴既可以用来探索周围环境也可以用作家庭园艺指南。



Lianjiang Herbalist is a set of 107 herbal flashcards featuring local plants identified in the Lianjiang community during its urban renewal. Created for educational purposes, the cards also serve as a guide for exploring the surroundings or gardening at home. 

How do we envision the future? Within the realms of botanical and cultural memory, the project embarked on an exploration of the urban regeneration process, delving into the spheres of construction and social transformation. In collaboration with O-office Architects and local social workers, the on-site research took place over a year, uncovering local stories unfolding alongside the process of urbanisation and its backgrounds of rural exodus, migration, liminality and cultural displacement. Hundreds of plants were identified, some naturally occurring and others cultivated by local residents. Notable medicinal  plants such as beggarticks, water chickweed, and kudzu, although invasive outside their native range, symbolize the community’s shared memories and resilience of the community. Ultimately, the plants discovered within the community were documented and transformed into 107 botanical illustrations.

This collection showcases the unique botanical landscape of Lianjiang, aiming to foster diverse and fluid connections amidst the otherwise uniform urban renewal, and to encourage ongoing community exploration. Each of the one hundred plants grows uniquely in the lush greenery, creating a community landscape that cannot replicated through planning or design. Resonating with the hidden collective knowledge, this set of plant cards is intended to serve as a medium to continue sharing the stories of the community through activities. It is also intended to keep the exploration of the hidden vitality within the community alive and to foster a sense of belonging.

In Collaboration with O-office Architects, Lianjiang Bo-yang Social Worker Team, Type: Flashcard, Game, Research and artistic intervention// Location: Qingyuan Canton, CN // Duration:  Nov. 2021 - Dec. 2022 

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