You Xin: Second Hand Book Storm
虽然我们无法通过二手书店竞争,但我们可以将新、旧结合于书店这个空间中,赋予它更多元的文化服务,同时唤起一种对于二手书的尊重。于是我们与南头古城的飞地书局合作,向城中村内的中小学生免费提供一书换一书的旧书换读活动。我们信任并鼓励学生将家中闲置的旧书循环起来。寻味旧书的同时,通过故事卡交换、分享旧书主人和换书者的故事,给阅读带来更多惊喜发现。同期,我们还参与了上海同济大学艺术设计学院Open Your Space及杨浦高中进行的“四平社区嘉年华-旧物交换”社区活动,及与深圳明德中学开展了“有心-二手书”创新活化工作坊。
项目团队:李娜琪 Virginia Lui //社会设计项目,工作坊、试点项目// 地点:深圳南头古城飞地书局//时间:2017年10月-2018年2月//鸣谢:深圳飞地书局、深圳市读书会、深圳市明德中学、原深圳二手书店店长
Over the past ten years, the number of remaining secondhand bookstores in Shenzhen China have decreased to just a few. The disappearance of second-hand bookstores is symptomatic of the setbacks that have arisen from high-speed urbanism and overproduction. The project “You Xin”(mindfulness) is a performance, gesture and social action aiming at restoring appreciation and value towards second-hand books. Meanwhile, as a gesture of “mindfulness” towards used materials, “You Xin” envisions future neighbourhood venues as multifunctional shared spaces where informal learning and exchange could take place.
In collaboration with International Enclave Bookstore and Shenzhen Reading Club, a book swap project was installed and carried out as a long-term reading project in Nantou Urban Village. By swapping one book for another, school kids in the neighbourhood are invited to exchange their used books and feel free to read within the bookstore. Meanwhile, each book has a bookcard attached which contains the story of the book owner and reader. Thus serendipity is brought to the front while reading and exchanging books as well as in the act of continuous storytelling.
Team: Aki Lee, Virginia Lui//Social Design Project//Location: Nantou Urban Village Shenzhen, CN//Duration:Oct. 2017 - Feb. 2018//Special Thanks to: Enclave Bookstore Shenzhen, Shenzhen Reading Club, Shenzhen Mingde High School, A Zhu(Shenzhen secondhand bookstore owner)