The Game of Collective Suffering




时代美术馆委任作品//类型:桌游 //展览:格物致知//策展人:谭悦//时间: 2021- 2022平面设计:Kiki Cai

The term zhěn-yù 畛域, which means boundaries, is substituted for Collective Suffering in its Chinese title. Zhěn referred to paths of a field, alternatively indicated to the hidden waterways that flow under the street, just like the Enning Road 恩宁路community, alienated and divided by these creeks. 

Based on the observation and experimentation of the artist, The Game of Collective Suffering convert the neighborhood story into a game mechanism. It transformed the characters, personal skills and neighborhood affairs into roles and scripts: the life trajectories, the sufferings and persistence, fear and hesitation when facing the vicissitudes of life, are all deeply intertwined in the setting of this game. Through each designated scenario, players are exposed to intense challenges. And through negotiation and collaboration with one another, a collective strategy of survival can thus be formed and a temporary experience of collective suffering can be created at the exhibition venue.

The progression and regeneration of city is a multidimentional alteration, where lust and wishes are aroused in opportunities. After decades of self-regeneration, the reminance of a city has been washed away along with the degredation of the ruins. Tree trunks, wells, blue brick walls, granite roads were all burried under layers of paints and trifles of everydayness. This game tries to create a extension of the old-time community bonding, through the change of objects, to ask for a collective-imagination and short of invisible value of relationships through negotiation between each participants.

Commissioned by Guangdong Times Museum// Type: Board Game,Social Design//Exhibition: Study of Things //Curator: Yue Tan// Duration:  8 August - 8 October 2020//Graphic Design: Yunqi Cai   

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