Lianjiang Herbalist 2023
How do we envision the future? Within the realms of botanical and cultural memory, artists embark on investigative endeavors through urban renewal projects, delving into the spheres of construction and social work. Ultimately, the plants discovered within the community were documented and transformed into 107 botanical illustrations.
Lianjiang Herbalist is a set of 107 herbal flashcards featuring local plants identified in the Lianjiang Community during its urban regeneration. Created for educational purposes, the cards also serve as a guide for exploring the surroundings or gardening at home. In collaboration with O-office Architects and local social workers, we spent a year researching the area, uncovering local stories that unfolded alongside the construction and renewal process. We identified hundreds of plants, some naturally occurring and others cultivated by residents. Notable medicinal herbs like beggarticks, water chickweed, and kudzu, though invasive outside their native range, symbolize the community’s shared memories and resilience.
This collection showcases the unique botanical landscape of Lianjiang, aiming to foster diverse and fluid connections amidst the otherwise uniform urban renewal, and to encourage ongoing community exploration. Each of these hundred plants grows uniquely in the lush greenery, creating a community landscape that planning or design cannot replicated. We hope to use plants as a medium to continue sharing community stories through the cards and activities, keeping alive the exploration of the hidden vitality within the community.
面对机械化的城市更新与千篇一律的街道,如何展现连江独特的地方性和叙述呢?在“连江街道更新计划”项目中,由负责改造的源计划建筑师事务所牵头,我们与社工团队一起进行了为期一年的街市文化探索。游历在升平街与方正三街的凉茶与咖啡店中,我们发现了这百余种社区植物。《连江植物图鉴》便是收录了更新改造过程中发现的107种当地植物,它们中有些随着风、河流或是鸟儿的迁徙而来,而另一些则由居民种植。 图鉴既可以用来探索周围环境也可以用作家庭园艺指南。
项目团队:李娜琪,源计划建筑师事务所,清远博阳社工//调研及艺术行动,卡牌,探索游戏//地点:广东清远连江社区//时间:2021-2022 In Collaboration with O-office Architects, Lianjiang Bo-yang Social Worker Team, Type: Flashcard, Game, Research and artistic intervention// Location: Qingyuan Canton, CN // Duration: Nov. 2021 - Dec. 2022
Sauerknautsch, Speise des Wasserwegs
Sauerknautsch, Speise des Wasserwegs:Sauerknautsch, also known as Speise des Wasserwegs (水路菜), is a unique pickled recipe made with leaf mustard* and fermented without salt. The process is simple: the vegetable is soaked in hot water for approximately 30 to 60 seconds and left to ferment for 2 to 5 days at a warm temperature. This recipe was discovered by the artist among the Hakka people, a subgroup of North Han Chinese residing in the Pearl River Delta Region (Canton, China).
*Leaf Mustard known as Kai Choi (Cantonese), Jie-Cai (Mandarin, Chinese).
The Hakka people, often referred to as "guest people," have a rich migratory history that dates back to 221 BC. Fleeing domestic conflicts and social unrest, they embarked on a nomadic lifestyle, adapting their diets to various landscapes and climates as they traveled from the north temperate plain to tropical feltas. Speise des Wasserwegs is one such adaptation that emerged during their process of re-rooting.
Water, an essential resource for agriculture, played a significant role in the expansion of Canton in the 6th century, thanks to fertile salty lands and extensive waterways. However, the marginalized Hakka population had limited access to water, be it fresh water or sea salts. Instead, they settled in Karst topography and Limestone mountains, the only available areas for habitation under discrimination. To cope with this challenging environment, they neutralized the hard water from mountain springs (containing substances like Calcium Carbonate), preserving food without relying on luxury salts, and adapting to shifting climatic conditions. The sour taste of this daily dish reflects the struggles they faced and the ingenuity they employed to overcome them.
Drawing inspiration from this humble recipe, Hakka Sauerkraut invites us to experience, taste, and envision the unseen sourness, sorrows, and setbacks that lie within this microcosmic culinary practice. Similarly, Sauerknautsch encourages us to contemplate how a guest people adapt and integrate themselves into new homes, embodying the fluidity of the Taoist philosophy and the concept of being like water. Moreover, it reminds us that shared life experiences associated with water, such as floods, are not distant memories but rather common threads that connect us, much like the Danube river. Today, as our perception of water expands and deepens in our daily lives, the focus shifts from its static origin to how we can redirect and channel its flow dynamically.(Text from the exhibition “What is essential is invisible to the eye”)
Exhibition//TAKE AWAY - Zum Mitnehmen bitte! 03.2023 at Atelierhaus Salzamt Linz & Frisiersalon with artists Aki Lee, Si-Ying Fung, POPU ZINE CLUB, Sainzaya Tsengel & Xiyu Tomorrow Workshop/Shui-Lu Cai, Gemeinsam zu Tisch
Exhibition//What is essential is invisible to the eye 06.2023, at Alte Schieberkammer with artists Aki Lee, Anne Megier, CIRKUZZZANTI, Elisabeth Utz, Felicitas Grabner, Hybrid Dessous, Into.Wild, Juan Vértiz, Michael Akstaller, Paul Chiwon, Paulina Flores, Sofia Zorzi. Organized by Narratives of Water, curated by Ana Paulina Flores de la Torre, Juan Carlos Vértiz Márquez and Paul Takunda Chiwona
Kleines Glück, das Brettspiel Haus 2022
南头古城万科国际青年艺术平台Yav委任作品//调研及艺术行动,桌游,探索游戏//地点:深圳南头古城//时间: 2021- 2022//平面设计:Kiki Cai// Commissioned work by YAV//Type: Art Residency, Board Game,Social Design// Location: Nantou Old Town Shenzhen, CN // Duration: Oct. 2021 - Jan. 2022 //Graphic Design: Yunqi Kiki Cai
The Game of Collective Suffering 2020
时代美术馆委任作品//类型:桌游 //展览:格物致知//策展人:谭悦//时间: 2021- 2022平面设计:Kiki Cai
The term zhěn-yù 畛域, which means boundaries, is substituted for Collective Suffering in its Chinese title. Zhěn referred to paths of a field, alternatively indicated to the hidden waterways that flow under the street, just like the Enning Road community, alienated and divided by these creeks.
Based on the observation and experimentation of the artist, The Game of Collective Suffering convert the neighborhood story into a game mechanism. It transformed the characters, personal skills and neighborhood affairs into roles and scripts: the life trajectories, the sufferings and persistence, fear and hesitation when facing the vicissitudes of life, are all deeply intertwined in the setting of this game. Through each designated scenario, players are exposed to intense challenges. And through negotiation and collaboration with one another, a collective strategy of survival can thus be formed and -
a temporary experience of collective suffering can be created at the exhibition venue.
The progression and regeneration of city is a multidimentional alteration, where lust and wishes are aroused in opportunities. After decades of self-regeneration, the reminance of a city has been washed away along with the degredation of the ruins. Tree trunks, wells, blue brick walls, granite roads were all burried under layers of paints and trifles of everydayness. This game tries to create a extension of the old-time community bonding, through the change of objects, to ask for a collective-imagination and short of invisible value of relationships through negotiation between each participants.
Commissioned by Guangdong Times Museum// Type: Board Game,Social Design//Exhibition: Study of Things //Curator: Yue Tan// Duration: 8 August - 8 October 2020//Graphic Design: Yunqi Cai
Jie-zhuan Lane LAB 2019
调研及艺术行动,桌游 //项目团队:李娜琪,源计划建筑师事务所//项目参与方:邀请嘉宾包括唐皎(国际固体废弃物专家)Virginia Lui (澳籍华人,城市更新博士研究员)Raquel Sanchez Montes(广州老人街头时尚摄影师)恩宁路关注小组成员,广州时代美术馆榕树头驻场艺术家刘灏,广州美术学院实验艺术系学生及广州废弃物管理机构和专家//项目地点:广州恩宁路//时间: 2019年2月-2019年5月
The Jiezhuan Lane Laboratory is a temporary urban lab established in February 2019 at Enning Road in Guangzhou, China, responding to the upcoming redevelopment of the area. The lab aims to bring together the fractured community, to connect urban resources and share knowledge on-site. We intend to expand the meaning of “inhabitant” by including the old and new residents, the locals and the visitors of the city. By this means we want to raise attention of how to improve quality of life in the future.
The urban regeneration process of Enning Road was set in motion already back in 2006. In 2018, during the first stage of the renewal process of the Yong-Qing Fan area (a part of the Enning Road neighbourhood), the actors involved – ranging from investors, multi-governmental sectors and home-grown settlements – were brought together in a participatory planning process. However, a few deadlocks remained and some hidden conflicts still need to be solved. Moreover, the community is still vulnerable, fractured and full of mistrust and fear of alienation – especially among the last 10% of remaining settlers and renters. In this framework, the Jiezhuan Lane Laboratory plays a role of intervening and mediating: to reintegrate the neighbours in the process of renewal, connect urban resources and share knowledge on-site. We also intend to expand the meaning of “inhabitant” by including both old and new residents, the locals as well as the visitors of the city. In this way, we want to raise attention of how to enhance future life in the area. For this purpose, we created a broad network, which includes various experts, ranging from waste management and gardening to the formal Enning Road activism group, etc. Based on our field research, we curated a range of hands-on workshops for placemaking focusing on collected thoughts and visions. To build trust and offer a gesture for the neighbours we engaged in activities such as collecting trash, cleaning up and planting seeds. After a month and a half of intensive work on-site, we announced a community convention, applied methods of waste management and planted some adorable sprouting seeds with our neighbours and are now waiting for the moment of autonomy of the project and our fading away.
In Collaboration with O-office Architects//Type: Urban Regeneration, Socially Engaged Art, Social Design// Location: Enning Rd., Guangzhou, CN // Duration: Feb. - May. 2019
市民设计周系列活动 2019
Nanshan Design Weekend at Value Factory
The Value Factory is an extraordinary piece of industrial heritage, first renovated in 2014 as part of the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Urbanism and Architecture Biennale. The Design Weekend event series was specifically curated to highlight its spectacular spatial qualities, including its architectural form, lighting effects, and acoustics. Featured events include Contact Improvisation, Swing Jazz, Samba, sound performances, and more.
深圳市南山区文化广电旅游体育局主办设计互联(海上世界文化艺术中心) 承办//场地支持:蛇口价值工厂//艺术节总策划执行:李娜琪//时间: 2019年9-11月 Organized by: Nanshan District Culture, Radio, Television, Tourism and Sports Bureau, Shenzhen// Hosted by: Design Society (Sea World Culture and Arts Center)// Venue Support: Shekou Value Factory//Art Festival Chief Planner and Executive (Venue): Aki Lee//Date: September–November 2019
Unlayering Centers
Platz für Originale 2018
Taking Floridsdorf as a pilot area for center development, the project ‘Unlayering Centers’ emphasizes the idea of ‘human’ elements and social strengths as crucial qualities towards the development of urban centers. Unfolding the distinctive Floridsdorfer particularities, the project action ‘Platz für Originale’ seeks and engages with existing vivid (sub)centers as well as local actors, who are functioning as centers.
Shifting perspective from the aspect of hardware (design of a space) to software (users of a space), the project ‘Unlayering Centers’, on the one hand, acts as a social gesture to reframe a traditional planning perspective on centers as commercial and transportation hubs. Adding to Floridsdorf’s predefined centers, the project targets the distinctive particularities of the district and thus potential subcenters, such as green and leisure areas, educational institutions as well as public housing.
On the other hand, the project action ‘Platz für Originale’ engages with inhabitants and local actors, who are reaching out to other people and act as facilitators. The term ‘Originale’ in this context refers to certain characteristics that make a space or person particular, therefore, attracting other people and fostering identification as well as generating a sense of belonging. By declaring places and above all people as ‘Floridsdorfer Originale’, we emphasize the idea of the ‘human’ elements and embed the potential of local knowledge and social strengths as qualities towards vivid (sub)centers. Eventually, the project has the potential to open up new perspectives on bottom-up measurements towards a center development in Floridsdorf.
项目团队:Susanne Mariacher(奥), Katharina Spanlang(奥),李娜琪//地点:维也纳第21区//项目参与方:维也纳城市规划与发展部门MA18及维也纳2025城市中心发展规划STEP 2025 WIEN、第21区的维也纳区域管理和城市更新部门GB*Wien 21、维也纳21中学、维也纳应用艺术大学社会设计部门//时间:2018年2月-2018年6月 Team: Aki Lee, Susanne Mariacher and Katharina Spanlang//Social Design Project// Location: Floridsdorf, Wien //Duration: Feb- Jun. 2018
“You Xin”: Second Hand Book Storm 2017
Over the past ten years, the number of remaining secondhand bookstores in Shenzhen China have decreased to just a few. The disappearance of second-hand bookstores is symptomatic of the setbacks that have arisen from high-speed urbanism and overproduction. The project “You Xin”(mindfulness) is a performance, gesture and social action aiming at restoring appreciation and value towards second-hand books. Meanwhile, as a gesture of “mindfulness” towards used materials, “You Xin” envisions future neighbourhood venues as multifunctional shared spaces where informal learning and exchange could take place.
In collaboration with International Enclave Bookstore and Shenzhen Reading Club, a book swap project was installed and carried out as a long-term reading project in Nantou Urban Village. By swapping one book for another, school kids in the neighbourhood are invited to exchange their used books and feel free to read within the bookstore. Meanwhile, each book has a bookcard attached which contains the story of the book owner and reader. Thus serendipity is brought to the front while reading and exchanging books as well as in the act of continuous storytelling.
虽然我们无法通过二手书店竞争,但我们可以将新、旧结合于书店这个空间中,赋予它更多元的文化服务,同时唤起一种对于二手书的尊重。于是我们与南头古城的飞地书局合作,向城中村内的中小学生免费提供一书换一书的旧书换读活动。我们信任并鼓励学生将家中闲置的旧书循环起来。寻味旧书的同时,通过故事卡交换、分享旧书主人和换书者的故事,给阅读带来更多惊喜发现。同期,我们还参与了上海同济大学艺术设计学院Open Your Space及杨浦高中进行的“四平社区嘉年华-旧物交换”社区活动,及与深圳明德中学开展了“有心-二手书”创新活化工作坊。
项目团队:李娜琪 Virginia Lui //社会设计项目,工作坊、试点项目// 地点:深圳南头古城飞地书局//时间:2017年10月-2018年2月//鸣谢:深圳飞地书局、深圳市读书会、深圳市明德中学、原深圳二手书店店长Team: Aki Lee, Virginia Lui//Social Design Project//Location: Nantou Urban Village Shenzhen, CN//Duration:Oct. 2017 - Feb. 2018//Special Thanks to: Enclave Bookstore Shenzhen, Shenzhen Reading Club, Shenzhen Mingde High School, A Zhu(Shenzhen secondhand bookstore owner)
Meine Favoriten
Deine Favoriten 2017
The project Meine Favoriten Deine Favoriten, is especially tackling Vienna's 10th district, Favoriten. A headline of “Favoriten ist Wiens gefährlichster Bezirk”, or “Polizei entlarvt Wiens gefährlichste Bezirke” would be the closest image one could picture the Vienna’s 10th district in the media. This statement draws a perfect reference to the fact that Favoriten is definitely not the "favorite" district to the local inhabitants. This is not only related to the political and media bias but also grounded on the former image of the suburb inhabitation form, which is associated with immigrants, poverty and crime.
Through our project research and action we present our new perspective towards Favoriten through a newspaper edition and series of documentaries which to arise the topic with regards to the dailies and individual perceptions of 10th's inhabitants. By showing their voices and what they see from an inside-view, we presume that the “I” level of perceptions can reduce the gap between residents and the general inhabitants of Vienna. Is Favoriten crime-infested or safe? Crumbling or in the progress? Moreover, we believe that a common ideology, or a common ground, can be found by bridging active exchanges through media platforms we provided.
Team: Aki Lee, Dahyun Violet Kim, Julijana Rosoklija//Social Design Project, District Newspaper//Location: Favoriten, Wien, AT//Duration:Feb-Jun. 2017//Special Thanks to: GB* Wien 10、Kusthaus Wien、BrotFabrik Wien、Tichy Ice Salon
团队通过不断的收集来自居民的声音,倾听他们对于周边的喜好,重新勾勒了一个法沃里滕的形象,并通过旅游报纸的方式呈现出来。其中,团队报道了为自助社区文化做出极大贡献的冰淇淋店:一家市区市民都会特意前往的老店Tichy Ice Salon;也报道了只有熟客才知道的隐藏美味…最后团队将旅游报发放到了城市的各个角落,将塑造法沃里滕臭名的报纸替换成了推广法沃里滕美誉的报纸。
项目团队:Dahyun Violet Kim (韩), Julijana Rosoklija(北马其顿)、李娜琪 //社会设计项目,地区报纸,艺术驻地、展览// 地点:维也纳第10区 Favoriten//时间:2017年2月-2017年6月//鸣谢:GB* Wien 10、Kusthaus Wien、BrotFabrik Wien、Tichy Ice Salon
The Toilet Paper is not the paper roll which has been used commonly in the toilet, but which is considered as an informal media platform, contains various types of pop-up information or small knowledges which spread sparkling ideas in the toilet. Most of them have been printed on the recycling papers or cheap materials, with multitudinous and various types of format and sizes, which gained its name “toilet” paper.
The characteristic of toilet paper is ironic. The contents are mainly concerned on social issues and always trying to provide fresh ideas to the public in a humorous way.
这里的厕纸并不是厕所里常用的卷纸,而是一个非正式的媒介(小广告),在厕所里传播着灵思,它们大多印在回收纸或廉价的材料上,形式多样,大小不一,里面有各种类型的信息或小知识,因而得名 "厕纸"。
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