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Nowadays looking for in a relationship or a partner through dating Apps is common and trendy. And OkCupid App is specifically calculating user's matches rate though few questionaries, i.e. Politically, which are more important to you right now. Moreover, users could also emphasise the importance of the question and set up their tendency answers from the others. While chatting freely, the system also provided their match's percentages and detailed questionnaire answers, as professional job interviews.
Rethinking of these social based questions, it's very interesting that how they select these questions, why it matters to a relationship and what kind of politics, law, religions questions should be included as an important part of a dating situation and so on. This toilet paper issue is trying to redefine our social design relationships in a similar way, by collecting the detailed answers towards different respects and see how much common ideology we have inside the studio, whether if we can triggering a break or a deeper harmony.
- Situation a. Explain it to your family I.e. grandma, fiancee, niece..
- Situation b. Explain it during your 1st Tinder date…please assume that your partner(s) is(are) absent…
- Situation c. Explain it during the job interview..
- Open answer..
“For me SD is a process of design, or a process you can make something changes."
"Project Management."
"social work, kind of."
“Common ideology. Design with social efficacy. They are usually processes or happenings so to say.“
Q1 - 什么是SOCIAL DESIGN(社会设计)?
情景a.向你的家人解釋,例如奶奶、未婚妻、侄女 。
情景b.在你的第一次Tinder約會時解釋...請假設你的伴侶不在 。
Q2 - What kind of relationship will you define with SD studio?
- Level a. I fancy it, and I appreciate the part of…
- Level b. We are working together, and it’s complicated in terms of…
- Level c. I’m struggling, because…
- Level d. I’m imagining our break up.
"Level a. Culture exchange."
"Level a. Exchanging creative through with beautiful humor, yet it smells in the studio."
"Level c. I’m struggling, because the studio is not only for me."
"Level b. We are working together, and it’s complicated in terms of bad communication."
"Level a. "
Q2 - 你如何定义你和SD工作室的关系?
a级别,我喜欢它,我欣赏它... ...
b级别,工作过程很复杂,尤其是... ...
c级别,我在挣扎,因为... ...
Q3 - Do you think it’s a big deal that you don't speak german while doing your project?
- Type a. I speak german, I think it’s crucial..
- Type b. I don't speak german but it’s crucial..
- Type c. Language is crucial, but still workable without the common language..
"Type c. I think it helps, but this is not a provincial Village. Also approaching people does not need to meow, approaching them verbally!"
"Type b."
"Type c."
"Type b. When we are exploring or interviewing people I need German."
"Type a. If one team member knows how to speak."
Q3 - 你觉得你在做项目的时候不会说德语有什么大不了的吗?
b. 我不会说德语,但这很重要。
Q4 - What will make you lose your faith in a SD Project?
- Tick here if it’s about your teammate
- Tick here if it’s not your problem
- Tick here if you blame the society
"No, the weather"
"The society"
"Blame society"
"It's not your problem."
" " (a new blank option)
Q4 - 什么会让你对SD项目失去信心?
" "(一个新的空白选项)
Q5 - ‘This is not going to be worked’. What bothers you more about the above sentence?
- Type a. ‘Well, then propose sth that could’ve worked’ …or maybe I would say:
- Type b. ‘How would you know if we don't give a try’…or maybe I would say:
- Type c. ‘We talked too much, we are following a loop that every idea is been doubting’…or maybe I would say:
- Type d. It doesn't bothers me…or:
"type a."
"type b. Right, I'll do it."
"Type d. It doesn't bothers me…"
Q6 - Would swiping Right for 'Yes', Left for 'Nope' or Left bothers you?
- It bothers.
- Not at all, I'm an open book.
- Politic tendency doesn't bothers me.
- Swipe right doesn't mean it's right but it's a right.
- What are you talking about?
"Swipe right doesn't mean it's right but it's a right."
"What are you talking about?"
"What are you talking about?"
"I don't get it."
Q6 - 向右滑动表示 "喜欢",向左滑动表示 "不喜欢",向左滑动(left)表示“错误“(Right政治上倾向“右“表示“正确“)会让你反思吗?
For adding more questions and giving answers to check our matches, please write in here: